Sponsor checklist

Goalset to make the sponsor happy, use a checklist

  1. You must be ready to be honest to the sponsor, and to any scholarship body. If you are overchallenged at any point, you will communicate this to the sponsor or academy. CHECK!
  2. You will understand the "all or nothing" aspect of sponsorships. You must deliver all of the time, if the sponsor and academy is to deliver all of the time. CHECK!
  3. You must be ready to adapt your current habits in order to conform to the specifics of a sponsor or academy. CHECK!
  4. You, or your guardian, parent or coach, will take some financial and moral responsibility for your future. You must prove that you have some support, from someone, somewhere. You must understand the financial and moral implications of everything that you do. CHECK!
  5. The behavioural ethics demanded of your academy, or coach, will be respected and maintained at all times. You should never need to be disciplined. You may lose everything very quickly if you fail to maintain these standards. CHECK! 
  6. You must develop the habit of giving feedback to all of the actors in your project. From this feedback you increase your chances of increased and prolonged support. CHECK!
  7. You must develop a willingness to expose yourself to the media, and to a wider public. You must develop interest in your image willingly. CHECK!
  8. You become part of the sponsor's organisation. He will help you and be your friend. You must be his friend. You will enter an adult world, largely an unknown one. CHECK!

Show this sponsorship guide to your parents. Apply now for the 2019 full scholarship.

For many sponsorships, if you have ticked all of the above checklist criteria, you are already perfect sponsor's material.

Here, at workouttennis.com, with our sponsor, we have an "education" ethic.

If you want a full annual workouttennis scholarship, all costs paid for for one year, you must, above all, give a TICK to this one criterium : -

9. You are registered on an approved distance learning programme for at least the next 12 months. CHECK!

Every young tournament tennis player must take responsability for his wider future. You can choose your distance learning programme, but you must stick to it, and complete it. Workouttennis.com will ensure it.

At a click, workouttennis.com has a simple form to fill in, and get some advice from us, for your specific situation.
If you tick all the checklist boxes you are material for a full annual tennis scholarship.


If you wish, you can register with us, and we will help you advertise yourself through our Player searches Sponsor link.

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Send us an email address. We'll get back to you right away.

Does this checklist make it all seem easy? I hope so, because it sounds like you've got the makings of a pro already!

Tour Coach -

on this site!