Tennis job for students

A tennis job is available at This is the tennis arm of a charity called Challenge Europe in Eastern France.

Challenge Europe, being a charity, lives entirely from donations and sponsorships. It has no salaried employees, nor any contracted participants. The objective is to give essential life experiences to both young performers and to their coaches and mentors. These experiences cannot be reproduced in a normal, paying, tennis academy, situation. The pedagogical nature of tennis learning requires a commitment above a financial one.

Therefore, our new coach will be unpaid. He will have no contract. He will be covered by the liability insurance of the charity Challenge Europe, but he is reponsible for all his personal insurance issues - health, pension etc.

What does offer in return? We will supply you with a character and job reference at the end of your stay, that we assume will be a valuable addition to your CV. We will be contactable at any time to back up this reference. The fact that you will have worked unpaid, for the benefit of deserving young people, will give a particularly positive aspect to your profile.

An impressive CV

All of your costs will be paid from the agreed pick-up points (TGV railway station, or Luxembourg airport). You will be provided with a fully-financed car. You will have a room on site, and all meals will be provided, and all washing too. will pay for one tournament inscription per week of your stay, so you can keep match fit during your stay.

We will provide you with a French tennis licence, a club subscription, where you can play club matches if you wish at weekends, in addition to your tournament.

Job down at the club

Typically you will spend six weeks on site. This period may be repeated on demand. The first training period of any year is mid February until the end of March. Coaching periods run until the end of the season in mid November.

You will be a student, that is, registered either on a standard university course, or, on a distance learning course. We will check with your educational establishment that all of your academic tasks have been fulfilled. You must give the name of your academic tutor. You must bring your own computer. Internet access is free and unlimited on site.

You must write at least one 300 word report per week that will be published on the web, so your English language competence will be taken into account.

Communicate with the world

When you are on site, the young players will also be on distance learning programmes. Part of your job will be to make sure that they work, and fulfill their own academic obligations.

You will be a confirmed match player, so when applying you must send in all results achieved in the last two years, as well as rankings, and training groups which you have been involved in. We will require a tennis reference - a coach or club official to confirm your abilites as a match player. If you have tennis coaching qualifications we will also view these favourably. Your job will be supervising young players when they practise, and doing some coaching.

Coach / driver

You must have a full, clean driving licence. You will be driving almost every day to the practice venue and tournaments. You will have to watch, and report on matches.

You must be ready to be assessed by the junior players. Their appreciation of you will be used in the reference which we supply.

You must obey the rules of the house where you live, and off site, in particular, no cigarettes or alcohol, no junk food, no waste of resources, no anti-social hours, no ill manners or foul language. Professional presentation will be expected at all times. The impeccable reputation of will be upheld at all times. For any contravention you will risk being relieved of your duties, and have 24 hours to remove yourself from the premises, at your cost.

Clean living

You will share a workload with other coaches and assistants, and be expected to show flexibility in hours you work. Your free time will in part be spent playing your own tournaments/matches locally.

If you think you fit the bill, please send us a CV, and dates when you wish to come. If a suitable position is coming up, please be ready to conduct an interview by Skype.

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